
يَبْدو إناءُ الماءِ فيّ كَعابِدٍ في قِبْلَةِ المِحْرابِ قامَ يُناجي

Tarfah Alrawaf


This blog is dedicated to all things Alandalus. The architecture, poetry, music, philosophy, and all other aspects of the long and rich history of Alandalus. The initial idea behind this blog was to collect poems that are found on Alhambra walls, but not available online, or at least not easily searched. However, it currently includes much more than that. It’s unclear where it’s going, so far, it’s a place for sharing everything that I think is interesting. If there is anything you would like me to research and write about, please let me know, as I would love to do so. 

سُكّانُها قد أُسكِنوا جنّهْ

فهُمْ يُلقَّوْنَ بها نَضْرَهْ

لسان الدين ابن الخطيب -